Tribute from Patricia

Created by Alex 7 years ago
I remember the little boy that I used to follow about at Bexley, who taught me how to climb trees, dismantle meccano and sometime plug bare wire into the sockets with match sticks. We fed the chickens.

When he started going to church, I also did the same, for a while. He continued, seriously, with this in Scotland and was a Sunday School teacher (resulting in his first valentines card!). With no TV, we listened to the radio in the warm kitchen, the Goons and Journey into Space - less serious.

Off to university, he seemed to be quickly grown-up. After that, working down south, soon engaged to Linda was a natural progression, developing into a large family over the next 50 years.

I have so appreciated and enjoyed the updates and get togethers over the years. Much has changed. There were chickens again recently, but not any bare wires in sockets.

I have "named a star" with The number is 161464-3957-149788. It is one of the seven bright stars of the Plough - one of the two that show the way to the Pole star.
* p star

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